Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday Night Regulars

I have a Thursday night appointment during the school year. It involves meeting my friend, Karen, at Perkins around 9 pm (whenever she's done teaching her night class) and staying out way too late. Of course, when we first met we would stay out until 1 am at times. Now it's more like 11 pm. We've both had a 3rd kid since we started meeting so that could be to blame. Karen was the 1st new friend I made when I moved to CR and we started gabbing and haven't stopped since. I was reading a book yesterday and it was talking about having a friend that keeps you walking "in the light". This is a topic I remember Corrie ten Boom writing on, as well. Karen is definitely that friend. She has encouraged authenticity in me because she is truly the "realest" person I know. We have been meeting for at least 3 years--once a week usually at Perkins where muffins and fries call our names--and we have walked each other through some mountain top experiences and some truly heartbreaking times. I have had 2 public breakdowns with Karen and she keeps meeting with me. :) The value of a friend that holds you accountable, prays with you, laughs with you and challenges you is beyond measure. I am thankful for her!!

*This is what blogging does to you--makes you take pictures of ordinary events. Yes, in the last post, I took a picture of Samuel being naughty before I told him 'No!'. Anyway, for this picture I enlisted the help of Bronica--our usual server at Perkins. She's extremely nice and knows us so well by now. *


  1. Our pastor talked about this very thing today. How wonderful that you have a friend like that.
    P.S. Your hair looks cute.

  2. True friends are PRICELE$$!! Love the polka dots!
