Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blogs to read

I have spent the last half hour reading blogs and crying. I first went to Beth Moore's blog (link to the right) and read about her daughter, Melissa, and her trip to Inda with Compassion International. She has a great post today about materialism (not sure she uses that word but that's what it is to me). I followed her link to read about the other bloggers that are there and what they had to share. It's heartbreaking. And it's overwhelming. I think "what can I possibly do in the midst of this?". I am reminded that prayer availeth much. It's a promise and it's true. Sometimes it doesn't FEEL like enough but that's because we don't see with spiritual eyes. I did appreciate getting a little conviction on my own materialistic attitude. I think ahead to my kids' birthdays and other holidays and wonder how I will ever buy them presents. Seriously. Thank God that that is the limit to my concern and my children are fed, clothed, given medicine when needed, have shelter... Definitely check out these blogs and see what difference Compassion is making in India!!

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