Friday, April 3, 2009


My friend, Karen, told me to get on YouTube and search for "Graham Cooke: The Nature of God" because she thought it would minister to me. I just watched both parts of it (both are around 10 minutes long) and I really enjoyed it so I'm passing it on to anyone that reads this. I know literally nothing about Graham Cooke so I am not endorsing him or his ministry, per se, but I do know that I loved these 2 videos. It's just the words, music and him speaking the words. Here were some of my favorite parts (and I'm paraphrasing some):

"This great God that we serve will throw us into situations beyond us with no other thought than that His great love will sustain us."

"God is consistent in who He is (His nature) but unpredictable in what He does. We, the church, are inconsistent in our relationships but so predictable in what we do."

"There are no good days or bad days. There are only days of grace. Grace to enjoy or grace to endure."

*Side note: I made the below picture into bars last night and it was sooo good. Big hit with the kids, too!!*

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