Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. We had a fun but exhausting day. Our church service started at 9 AM so we set the alarm for 6 AM so we could shower and get ready before the kids were up to find their Easter baskets. We were succesful and had plenty of time for the kids to find their eggs, open baskets and even play for a bit. Church was great--and actually pretty quick! We then headed to my side for the Mega Hunt and lunch. :) My Grandma was there to take in the chaos this year so that was fun. Samuel took a quick liking to her, which is rare for him, so that was nice! We stayed there all afternoon--the kids had fun playing with their cousins and I got to play one game of Yahtzee and catch a quick nap on the couch. Then we headed to Brian's side for another egg hunt--this one was outside so the twins were all about that!! Poor Samuel was out cold by that point so he missed out. We stuck around there, letting Grandma Barb, Papa Lee and Uncle Jeff enjoy our sugar-overloaded children until it was time for bed. Brian and I are ready to crash!! What a fun day, though. And Happy Birthday to JoDee and Travis!!
*I like the collage option because I found it impossible to choose pics but I am sad I can't caption them. I have a picture of my Grandma, my sister, my brother and the "table of in-laws" (maybe you notice my sister-in-law is due in just a couple weeks!!). I have an attempted shot of my 3 kids before church but Samuel is throwing a massive fit. Every time I pointed the camera at him, he screamed at me. Also, pics of olive fingers, cousins resting, Samuel eating Grandma PJ's white chocolate bunny and Grandma Barb helping with the egg hunt.*

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Looks like a beautiful and fun filled day! Love the olive fingers! The kids look adorable (as usual!)
