Thursday, April 9, 2009

Great Idea

I stumbled upon a blog called "It's Almost Naptime" and yesterday's post encouraged us Moms to brag on our kids. Why? Because sometimes the only things we say are the negative stuff because we feel so fed up!! I have to say that I can only stomach so much of the "look at how fantastic my kid is" type of post BUT today I unashamedly post about how fantastic MY kids are (and I will be brief) and I will be reading this to them later.

Hunter, age 5: Hunter is the sweetest child in the world. He loves hugs and one on one time. Hunter is all out in his affection for someone else. His teacher said that he just loves his friends at school!! He is a social guy, loves to play, a natural leader and so excited when he learns something new. Hunter looks after his brother and sister at all times--and does so with a passion!! He is loud, fun, determined and all boy! Hunter just absolutely has the best hair and he has a big chin dimple like me--just pieces of me that I enjoy seeing!

Lily, age 5: Lily is the most sensitive child in our house--so much so that she gets upset when her siblings are in trouble She has a passion for learning and loves to write (like her momma?!). She is eager to please others and is the most talkative child!! Lily loves to help and I know I can count on her to follow through with instructions. She may love social things (and boy does she!) but she is also very independent. One of the most obvious things is that Lily is hilarious--she says the funniest things!! Lily is just beautiful and is so expressive--such a fun girl and she loves girly-frilly-fancy nancy-type things--which I am so happy about!

Samuel, age 2: Samuel is pure joy. He is funny, determined, sweet and so loving. I do believe he's got a little genius in him because he doesn't talk but knows so much. He can act out what he wants us to know and he's learning his letters with the Caillou computer game. Samuel wants to be with the big kids all the time and doesn't mind if he can't keep up. He loves his parents most of all and still wants to be held. His eyes are just amazing--I so hope they stay blue like mine since the twins' eyes went hazel like Brian's. :) He's so little--our smallest child!--but it makes him all the more loveable.

You can check out the original post here: If I knew how to post this link without making it so long, I would but I still can't figure that out!


  1. This is an awesome post! I try to make mental notes of things in case I have children someday and this is such a good reminder. I read somewhere how children need to hear specifics like this, that it has much more of an impact on them than to just hear "you are a good boy" or other general remarks like that. Makes sense to me!

  2. They sounds precious! Thanks for participating!! Your hands are almost as full as mine are!
