Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have the best MOPS crafts at my local meeting. I really think our craft person goes above and beyond and is super thrifty. We have small group so maybe that helps but we do a craft every time and it's always fun and something I'm proud to bring home. I bond the most with my fellow Moms when we are doing craft!! Well, today we did this jar and let me tell you, it's not as easy as it looked to get those Peeps arranged. I told my table members that I was going to put a picture on my blog and they thought I was joking. Nope, here it is. I can't wait to make the yummy recipe that will come out of it. I don't what it will be but some bar with Peeps, M&Ms, brown sugar, crushed graham crackers, butter and vanilla. Sounds good!

1 comment:

  1. Your group really does do great crafts! Love the peeps! I want to know what you turn that into!
