Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Let me first say that my twins are at a stage where they fight over me constantly. I read that this is normal for 5 year old twins so I am not worried. But they fight over whose toothbrush sits next to mine and who sits by me for each meal. Hunter was upset the other day because Lily got the toothbrush slot next to mine so he put his in the middle hole with our toothbrushes "kissing", as he proudly told me. What that meant is that our bristles were touching. Brian probably would have gagged if he had seen it but I don't care. And I don't let it go to my head. Why? For statements like the following... I just caught the end of the conversation but Lily said, "Hunter, Dad is our only hope!".

1 comment:

  1. I don't have twins, but we go through this on a much smaller scale here too. I don't let it go to my head either, they are so fickle!! Such a cute memory!!
