We had a some-of-the-family trip to Adventureland today. My brother, sister-in-law, sister, brother-in-law, 2 nieces, 2 nephews, my Mom, Brian, the 3 older kids and I all roadtripped it there today. Nathan was able to stay w/my Dad, which I was so thankful for today as the heat index surely hit the 100s. Ugh!

This was our vanload on the way there. My 3 kids and Cali. The trip home was the same except Grandma took Cali's place. Uneventful trips...the kids watched movies (we took my parents' van for that luxury). This was about the last time I saw Cali--she's too old to hang around the kiddie rides so they did their own thing.

Where to go 1st?

The infamous Frog Hopper. Hunter and Lily talked of little else since going last year. They did this ride ASAP and showed Samuel how it's done. Samuel enjoyed it a lot more than I thought but he seemed to think it should be over after the 1st few drops. That didn't stop him from riding it over and over...

I got sick after this tea cup ride last year so I skipped it this year. Dad took one for the team, though. :) He rode more things this year and that's always exciting for the kids.

Ice cream sundaes in the air conditioning. So needed!! And, no, they did not eat all that ice cream--wow, big servings!!

My favorite picture by far. I talked my Mom into going on the ride w/me and the kids (all 3 kids rode w/us--you can't see them well in this picture). Just a water slide, I said. Ha! We were twirling uncontrollably. It was hilarious and a little scary.

Isn't this precious? Uncle Jamie is dripping water on Samuel's head at the last ride of the day--as he eats his giant pickle. We are h-o-t and tired. This was Samuel's 1st trip to Adventureland and I think it was successful! Everyone had a really good time--even in the heat. Hunter was 1000x braver with rides compared to last year. Samuel was 1000x braver than I ever expected. He loved the log ride (which neither Brian nor I will ride!) and I was so nervous about him going on it. Lily was brave last year and was about the same this year. All these kids who loves rides--what will Brian and I do?? Neither of us care for rides, especially roller coasters. I guess we'll always have to go as a group so they have an adult to ride with!
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