Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hunter was the 1st one up, like he is every morning, but he waited pretty patiently for his siblings.  I ended up helping Samuel wake up around 7:30 because I was getting impatient!!  :)

It's always exciting to open presents!  Everything they get is just what they wanted--it's so funny.  Samuel wasn't into it at first but he soon got the hang of it!
One of Hunter's favorite gifts--he loves to dress up and he is already planning on this as his next Halloween costume.  :)

Lily with her new baby--she really needed a new one!  She doesn't get too much opportunity to play babies since she has brothers but she did talk the boys into being "Dad" for awhile today.  :) 
Samuel loved chasing after his siblings with his power tools.  I think one of his favorite gifts, though, was the cutest "Baby Bambi" I found for him.  Hunter did make a comment about Daddy eating it but Samuel just loved on it throughout the day.  So cute!

We had a great day!  Brian and I breathed a sigh of relief that I didn't have this baby over the actual holiday.  I took it pretty easy yesterday and today to try to help that out.  After tomorrow's celebration with my side of the family, we are back to hoping this baby comes anytime!!  :)

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