Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Hunter and Lily (I can't remember who said what so I am lumping them together):  Dad, will you bend over?

Brian bends down and the kids look at his head.

H/L: Yeah, he's almost bald.  Dad, one more haircut and you will be bald! 

B: Yep.

H/L: Aren't you worried people will laugh at you?


Visit http://notbefore7.blogspot.com/ for more Tiny Talk Tuesday posts.


  1. LOL!!!! Exactly what Daddy wanted to hear... I'm sure!!! Our Daddy understands:) Too funny:)

  2. That is hilarious! Welcome to TTT! i hope daddy's ego is in tact :)

    Judging by the pictures, your house is similar to mine!
