Wednesday, January 20, 2010

3 Weeks

Well, things have just seemed to be a bit more manageable in this 3rd week.  I am sure part of it is my hormones have calmed down some.  Otherwise, I have realized that I can't actually accomplish everything and that's okay!  We are falling into a routine of normal life and that's a good thing.  We aren't getting out much but the weather doesn't motivate me to leave!  Nathan is still such a good baby--not that there is a "bad" baby but I don't know what else to call him.  He is not much of a crier at all, which is nice.  :)  He loves to eat, enjoys his paci and is sleeping pretty good.  Brian and I have been splitting up the feedings at night--I take the late night and early morning feedings and he takes the middle of the night feeding.  Last night I got to sleep a full 7 hours without getting out of bed--I did wake up a few times but I can't complain!  It was so nice.  Brian did have to get up at 2am but that was it for the night!  On the weekends Brian and I sometimes switch things around but it seems like Nathan still does better on my turn.  Ha!  What a sweet baby!  :)  And naps have been going pretty well--during the day, he actually seems to prefer being laid down to nap instead of me trying to hold him (which is hard to do w/all these other kids!).  He's awake a lot more and I don't know how he can stand it since being awake means getting lots of attention from his siblings.  I do enjoy watching him take it all in.  He definitely knows me and I love that.  :)

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