Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just Sharing

The tests my hematologist ordered all came back normal!

I had my 9 week appt today. Dr. Olson didn't try to hear a heartbeat since it's too early so I have to wait 2 more weeks. Everything else looked good, though.

Samuel just crawled up on the couch and fell asleep so I guess we'll have rest time now. Yes, he usually naps in the living room. There's a crazy tidbit about our family. He likes to have "rest time" in front of a movie with Hunter and Lily and he falls asleep the majority of the time so I'm okay with it. I nap most the time, too. I don't know what he'll do in the fall when the big kids are in school 3 days a week. On a sidenote, I was feeling bad about Samuel's crazy napping when I ran across pics of the twins at this age. Oh, that's right...I often laid down with them in my bed to get them to sleep. And they turned out all right. :)

I just started my new study last night. It's my first class at the House of Hope-- "Empowering, equipping, encouraging women to live well." The founder is Dr. Melody Graham, who is one of my favorite people. I can't even describe how much she has affected my life. The volunteers and teachers are great and I am really happy to take a class there. Anyway, it's called "Deep Unto Deep" and the format is right up my alley. I had to get a journal--say no more. I think it will be a great class.


  1. YEAH, great news! Hope you are feeling better and we can get together! Your new study sounds right up your ally!

  2. Rikki, glad to hear your appt went well. And so excited you got to start your new study. I'm anxious to hear more about it as you progress through the class. Have a great weekend!!!
