Friday, April 9, 2010

Nathan's Heart

On Tuesday, Nathan had a chest x-ray in a horrible torture apparatus that was necessary for his appointment today.  We met with Dr. Mark today who is a pediatric cardiologist.  It's all kind of confusing and I know Travis might read this so she can correct anything.  I will explain what I can... 

The murmur that was the cause of everything is soft and benign.  However, since they did the echo, they saw that Nathan has a PFO (patent foramen ovale), which means a flap in his heart did not close at birth.  Apparently, this is somewhat common as 20% of the population has this, as well.  The concern is that the blood is squirting back into the heart and the heart may have to work extra hard.  If the right side of the heart enlarges and the hole seems to be big in relation to the heart size, apparently it will then be called an atrial septal defect.  Following me?

At this point, Nathan is growing well (whopping 16 lbs, 11 oz!!), his EKG looked fine, his x-ray looked fine so there is no concern.  He will go back for an echo and appointment in 1 year to recheck.  If he has problems like above (hole too big, heart enlarged, etc.), then they will close the hole--usually at around 4-5 years old, I guess.  It's an outpatient procedure and low-risk.  Otherwise, they will follow him until 4-5 years old, if needed, and then just release him.  Meantime, Nathan is just a healthy boy who happens to have a structural defect.  Dr. Mark said he is guessing he won't have any problems because he seems to be doing so well. 

Funny side note: the doctor and the nurse both have twins!!  They are everywhere!!  The doctor said that they know what we are going through.  Ha!  Anyway, I guess no one likes to hear something is wrong with their child--especially with the heart--but the doctor did everything he could to be reassuring so we are feeling calm.
Nathan after his EKG.  Such a good baby today--a little squirmy but happy!


  1. I'm glad to hear that even though there's a problem, it can be okay. I'll pray that it heals on its own.

  2. Amazing job! You got it all right, couldn't have explained it any more accurately myself...very impressed! Very reassuring visit too, lots to be thankful for! Praying for the PFO to close on its own so there doesn't have to be any more worries! Love you!

  3. HI Rikki, Just popping over to "meet' you. I also have 3 boys and 1 girl ds9, dd6, ds4, and ds3. My youngest also had a heart murmur at birth and he has a bicuspid aortic valve. His valve is supposed to have 3 flaps but two fused at birth and so they check to see his blood flow and leaks, etc. Plus, my oldest in Nathan! Praying for little Nathan's heart to be healed. =0) Kelly
