Monday, November 29, 2010

Last Baby Month!

Well, it's here. Nathan is 11 months old today. 1 more month until the big birthday and I will no longer have a baby. Although, 1 year olds are still pretty babyish so I won't stop calling him "the baby" just yet. :)

At 11 months old, Nathan is b-u-s-y. Just today I went to the kitchen to grab my lunch (1st mistake), came back to the living room and he was standing on a chair, hitting the TV. I managed to not scream in fright to not startle him and grabbed him. Now my throw pillows are stacked on that chair so he doesn't climb up. We took him off baby food so he eats most of what we do (minus the things babies should not eat yet). He does well except that he keeps shoving food in until he almost chokes so we have to watch that.

He crawls, stands and thinks about walking but hasn't done it yet. We have a gate on the stairs, the portable dishwasher blocking the kitchen (even if I could keep the floor clean--and I can't--there's a door to the basement that makes me nervous), the bathroom door remains shut and until we can get Lily's vent attached to her wall, her door must stay shut, as well. Whew! Lots of Nathan-proofing around here! :) But it's a fun age and he's a sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable. Sniff!!!! I always love and hate first birthday's. I love the celebration, but it saddens me because to me that first year goes so fast.
