Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall & New Toys

This weekend, Brian and I cleaned our storage area, which was a huge relief to me. I also dug out our fall and Halloween decorations. The kids sat and made Halloween decoration to tape up everywhere. There were a few bigger toys downstairs that I thought Nathan might be big enough for now so we brought those up. The other kids have played with them nonstop but I think Nathan is enjoying them when he gets a turn! :)

Enjoying the house--we got this house for the twins on their 1st birthday and all the kids have loved it!!

The 3 bigger kids were loving the fall/Halloween books that I got back out.

I took this picture because he looked so cute but I was trying to capture his 1st stair attempt. He had his hands on the 2nd step and was almost pulled up all the way. I couldn't believe it!! My phone camera wouldn't work and I wasn't fast enough w/our other camera. Still, he looks cute! :)

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