Saturday, September 5, 2009

Painting Party

My parents kept most of the grandkids on Friday night and then had a painting party with them on Saturday. The kids painted Papa's shed and the old wooden swing. They had fun and got very messy!

Hunter and Anden tackling one side.

Samuel painting his corner. I'm not sure he cared to get dirty!

Lily and Lainey on their side. The girls may have been the messiest!

Now the swing--in a rainbow of colors.

Baby Kathryn taking it all in.
*Kindergarten drop off still is a challenge but it's getting better. I took the teacher's advice and stopped walking all the way to the classroom. I hated it but if it helps then it's worth it. Otherwise, both kids are still so excited afterwards to tell me all about their day! I haven't yet figured out what I am supposed to do w/myself on school days--the house is so much quieter. Samuel doesn't seem to care that he's the only one home so I am glad he can stay busy on his own!
*Lily's tummy aches were a huge challenge and frustration to me. On Friday, she didn't mention it at all so I was super thankful for answered prayer. Then, the doctor called in the afternoon with a diagnosis and, better yet, medicine! So I am glad that it got figured out and we can move on from this!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had tons of fun painting! Yeah for your kindergarten successes and for Lilly's tummy! So great to see what you are up to in the every day!
