Friday, November 11, 2011

Keeping Nathan Busy

I don't know, it seems like time is just going faster and faster.  We had another good week of school!  Our history has been on the Pilgrims for a couple weeks now but we're really enjoying digging into the subject as we get closer to Thanksgiving.  We signed up for Scholastic's Plimoth {yes, I spelled it that way on purpose} Plantation virtual field trip so we've been reading letters from Pilgrim and Native American children, as well as getting some video tours around the villages of both groups.  Exciting!  I plan on doing a lot more Thankgiving-ish stuff next week!  We finished our read aloud today, Little House in the Big Woods, and I think I will miss it!!  We are starting a fun one next week, though--An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott.

Here's Lily with a picture and dynamic poem she made about a character in her most recent book {McBroom's Wonderful One-Acre Farm}.  She was very proud and Hunter ended up making one about a "kid from the Bible" so he must have been impressed!  I like to give her a break between books so I throw in a project here and there or just have her read with Hunter.
 This was the day we used pictures to tell a story, as the Native Americans did.  I also did one on the whiteboard, telling the story of my hubby and I.  It was a lot of fun!

Samuel had a good week, as well.  I am figuring out what he really enjoys and what is too easy for him.  It saves my printer ink if I don't print absolutely everything in the curriculum.  Frankly, I think the highlight for him was watching the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom show I found on some school site.  Youtube had it, as well, but some of the comments are pretty shocking and some of my kids can read!  Anyway, he loved seeing that over and over before we added 'J' to our tree!

Samuel using peppermint-smelling stickers to count.

And, as the title of this post suggests, it was another week of keeping Nathan busy.  When Samuel sits down for school time, Nathan follows.  He expects to have work to do and will sit pretty good the whole time (probably less than 30 minutes) if I keep giving him things.  Alternately, he will sit with the twins while they do their morning work but that usually means someone is yelling for me because he's into something.  I took a ton of pictures of Nathan trying different activities this week but I know Grandparents will want to see, right??  

Putting stickers on a piece of paper.  We taped this up but he tore it down, which would be a sad foreshadowing of the next day when he would tear down every single one of Hunter's art papers he had taped above his bed.  That was not a highlight to our week.  :)

Figuring out how to use these tweezers...what you can't see is the tears and snot from a fit he had just thrown over getting markers taken away.

Do-A-Dot markers are a hit.  I am amazed I ever got them put back up.  

Pom magnets!

 Also, this week, we attempted a family showing of the new Barbie Christmas movie--this is no easy feat in a houseful of boys!!  You will notice that Samuel is not in any of the pictures--he refused to be a part of this girl-movie-showing.  :)

*If Brian looks sleepy, it's because he slept through most the  movie.*

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