Another weekly wrap up! Seriously, the weeks fly by. We had a different week because we took an unscheduled day off! On Wednesday, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed floor {the oldest boys love to sleep on their floor like a camp out} and I ended up cancelling speech therapy that morning. We went over to my parents' house to hang out since my Dad was off and, long story short, Brian ended up taking off work to peel-n-stick tile a bathroom floor over there. So, we did sneak in some handwriting and reading but moved the other activities to Thursday. We can do things like that!
On a side note, the kids were all pretty worn out {birthday fun?} and Wednesday was a day full of crying and tempers so they all went to bed e-a-r-l-y and without the "privilege" of sleeping on the floor! :) Things were much better after that!
I, again, failed at taking pictures of all the fun things we do. I need another person here to record life, I guess. We learned all about the 1st Thanksgiving this week--turns out they ate and played games, just like we do at my parents' house! Hunter and Lily tried out a couple games that the children at that time may have played. I really stressed competing against yourself to minimize the drama. :)
On to pictures...Here's Nathan trying some pouring with packing peanuts. He's so cute, concentrating so hard!! He pulled these out a 2nd time this week so I think he really enjoyed it.
He did a great job!
Nathan was in a bit of trouble this incident with the cat's litter box. He keeps me on my toes!
Here's PE time. :) Yes, we're in pajamas and, yes, some of them are Christmas-y. Lily got a Just Dance for Kids Wii game from Grandma Barb and Papa Lee so they have loved getting their groove on after lunch.
{Not school related} Hunter had Scouts this week and was so proud of his ribbon for the rain gutter regatta. His pack also got to lead the opening ceremony but Hunter was then leader of that..telling people what to do. Brian said that Hunter's face was priceless when one of the older boys approached him to ask him about his boat and was impressed to find out Hunter had made it. Brian and I were nearly in {happy} tears about it. Ha!
Today was errand day so we finished up morning work and ran to the Dollar Tree. I let each child pick a prize and the twins picked silly string! They were so excited to get outside and try it out but were back inside in about 5 minutes because it was gone. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Samuel has joined in school a couple times this week and he really enjoys that! Here the kids are painting a picture of the 4 seasons. They all did a fantastic job! {yes, pajamas again/still}
This is from this afternoon--we made thankful turkeys! Aren't they precious? I like how Samuel does color by number--he literally will only color the number and not the whole thing. Ha! Still, he did a great job following the directions. Their thankful lists:
Samuel: Mommy, Daddy, ladybugs, butterflies, Easter, winter, birds and dinosaurs
Hunter: food, fun, friends, family, Mom, Dad, Thanksgiving, brother {I think this was Samuel}
Lily: Mom and Dad, friends, seasons, colors, animals, family, food and rest
We taped them by our turkey's perch. I can't wait to trade turkeys for Christmas this next week!! :)
A really good week overall! I think Samuel did an excellent job with the letter 'K', even if I didn't get pictures. He's been working on that sound with Elizabeth {his speech therapist} so he was quick to copy my sound this week. He spent his spare time watching the Sesame Street video from the song "On Top of Spaghetti" online and exploring the Starfall website.
On Monday, we'll finish An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving, which has been a really fun book, and do some Thanksgiving-themed activities Monday and Tuesday but nothing strenuous. We'll enjoy the break! Happy Thanksgiving!