Friday, November 8, 2013

Working Hard

This felt like a long week but it was a productive one!

Nathan learned about 'W' and asked to paint something every day.  :)  This was his last week of regular school until we do a Christmas week--I guess we are pretty far ahead in our schedule!  So, I plan on finding some fun fall and Thanksgiving related things for him to do.

Samuel and Nathan kept busy with the capital letter building set.

I wanted to get a picture of Samuel but he wanted to pretend to sleep.  This is fitting because he pretends to fall asleep frequently during school.  Fun?!  He had another great week of school--very cooperative and willing to do his work these days.

Lily is wearing a tape mustache in this picture--I asked her if she wanted to remove it for the picture but she didn't.  Anyway, this was our {successful} science experiment this week.  They are ripping up green leaves here:

We've been reading about the 10 plagues this week and we act out each one in some small way.  Here is plague 4...the flies.  They are running from infected Egypt to safe Goshen.

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