Our last week of school! Nathan tried out his new game from a garage sale.
We finished up his Despicable Me unit:
Lily got to do her last week of spelling on the iPad so that's always fun. :)
Samuel enjoyed his iPad time--playing an anatomy game.
We finished up our plant unit by planting our own seeds:
They grew!!
Our last day of school fun! Nathan got a preschool certificate and everyone got a little letter and card from me.
The kids brought some show and tell to my parents' house:
Then we celebrated at Orange Leaf with my parents and Brian's Mom:
The holiday weekend included swimming! Bring on summer!!
Since we had an extra-long weekend, I took the twins to a movie (not Tomorrowland as pictured...we saw Avengers) and the other 2 went to Play Station with Brian.
More summer fun to come!