Saturday, November 8, 2014

Week 11

Nathan learned about 'N' this week. This was an exciting letter because it's "his letter".  Ha!  And the curriculum had us do "name" activities and he does enjoy spelling his name.

Samuel made a special name craft this week, too.  He spelled his name and then drew a picture of something that starts with that letter.  S-Snake, A-Apple, M-Moon and Mummy, U-Ugly, E-Exit sign, L-Lollipop.  :)

This was taken one day when Hunter was struggling with math.  They have their lunch sitting on the table but they are focused on getting through the math problems Hunter missed.  

For Konos, we focused on eyes this week.  We did a light/dark-pupil experiment and they were just amazed at that.  We also watched a video of a cow eyeball being dissected:

On Friday, we got to watch the movie that was made based on our read aloud book, Witches.  It was a good opportunity to get rid of some more Halloween candy.  

On Tuesday, the kids went with me to vote:

On Thursday, the boys and I kept busy while Lily was in class:

After we picked up Lily, we ate out for lunch and did some shopping, just for fun:

Saturday, Hunter had the chance to help with the tagging and release of some birds at a nearby nature center.  He was really excited about it when he came back.  This picture doesn't show it well, but he's holding a bird to release:

Hunter also explored the nature center and wants to take the other kids back for a field trip.  :)

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