Saturday, April 5, 2014

Welcome April

We've fallen into a pretty consistent school pattern and we are just moving right along toward the end of the school year.  It's exciting!  

Hunter and Lily worked on drawing people in art this week.  
I've enjoyed this art curriculum a lot--I think Hunter has, too.  

This was Nathan's last week of preschool curriculum.  We'll throw some other activities and crafts in when he insists on school.  Otherwise, I'm good with letting him be done since I don't usually do a 3 year old preschool, anyway.  We learned about U for Up and did some sun/moon/stars craft.  He's painting the moon with a mix of shaving cream and glue here--this was a hit.  All the kids loved to touch the puffy moon he made.  :)

How happy is this face??  Ha!  He's all dressed up in a Halloween costume for school.  :)  We played some games with reading and worked on a big coloring project for math--you had to solve the problem to figure out the color.  He's doing well and I'm feeling good about what we are using.

On Friday, we had a fun sleepover planned.  It was easy and fun, actually.  A good way to end our week of hard work and start the weekend!

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