Friday, February 3, 2012

Fun Week = Lots of Pictures

I'm pretty sure this will be the most pictures I've put into a post.  It was a full week.  I actually have a few pictures from the weekend first.

Hunter had his Pinewood Derby for Scouts.  He helped Brian make a 'Ben 10' car!
 This is the best picture I got of all the people there for Hunter.  Grandpa Lee, Grandpa and Grandma PJ, Anden, Lisa, Carley, Sydney (and the 5 of us, of course) were all there!  It was a fun morning.

We went from Pinewood Derby to McDonald's for a quick lunch and then on to Lily's 1st basketball game to cheer at.  She said it was a long game but I thought it went pretty fast (1 hour) and they keep the cheerleaders pretty busy.  It was a lot of fun, too, and we were worn out afterward!

On Monday, we had our makeup field trip/vacation day.  We spent the bulk of the day at a local water park for a homeschool event through a group I'm a part of but we did leave Nathan behind.  Next time, I think I'll take him because it was pretty quiet and I didn't have much to do!  Samuel and Brian stuck together like glue (no surprise there!) and the twins were relatively independent--I only need to get goggles and etc. when needed.  Everyone had a fantastic time!!  It was fun to meet other homeschoolers, too.

Also this week...Samuel's 5th Birthday!!!  How quickly it goes!!!!  He wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse AND Chuck E Cheese but we told him to pick one and chose Chuck E.  Brian took the day off so we could go during the day--it was awesome!  He spent his afternoon playing with Brian at home and then off to my parents for a birthday dinner.  Grandma Barb, Papa Lee and Aunt Nikki all plan on visiting him another day--and he knows it!!  Ha!  Here is Samuel opening up the musical card we got him (Brian picked it out--it was perfect...):

The girls.  :)  Lily doesn't look thrilled to have her picture taken--and she wasn't!  Ha!  

The birthday boy with his zhu zhu pet.

Chuck E Cheese!  We had not been there in 2-3 years so it was a treat for everyone (it even was for the parents just because we didn't have to fight crowds!).  Nathan loved riding the different rides.

Samuel loved the roller coaster!

This was a strange "game" but they got a lot of tickets out of it so they did it a couple times.

Lily saw this Guitar Hero game and said she didn't know if she was good at rock-n-roll but she'd sure try.  :)

After all that FUN of our week, we did have a day of not-so-fun.  Wednesday, Hunter ran downstairs to tell me Nathan was throwing up.  Thus began the worst morning of my life.  I went through 4 pairs of pajamas FOR MYSELF.  I have never been thrown up on so much in my life.  Poor guy was seriously ill and not cooperative about throwing up in appropriate places.  After noon, though, he finally passed out and woke up feeling back to normal.  So thankful it was a brief illness!!  This is about the only time the cat has wanted to get this close to Nathan.  :)

We did manage to get some school in this week with all that going on.  We skipped 'R' in preschool and did 'S' for Samuel, Star Wars, snow and spiders.  I couldn't resist skipping since it was his birthday week--but we will go back next week!  Here's Samuel working on Star Wars shapes while Nathan works in an old workbook.  :)

I love this picture!  Samuel is concentrating so hard on copying the number on his Inchimal.  He was measuring light sabers.  :)

We are learning about the human body in our science curriculum.  I wanted to expand on it so I picked up a Human Body book that has somewhat life-size copies of body parts.  We've looked at bones, joints and muscles so far!

This morning, I wrote Hunter and Lily's morning work on the white board and then went to pick up the kitchen.  I came back to find *someone* erasing the board!  :)

I also have to add that Hunter took a math test today and got 100% !!  He said it was easy and I know some of it was easier than he needs but some of it was more challenging for him and he did a great job.  He's been killing his speed drills, too!  I'm loving CLE Math for him!

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