Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Quick Week in Review:

Last Sunday, Lily was a drum ornament in the Christmas play.  The boys did not want to participate and that was fine with us!  Lily took the script to bed and memorized her lines in record time--I was impressed!!  She did a great job and had little to no shyness about getting up there, in costume, and doing her lines.  My favorite part was that the script said [SMILE] at one point so she would stop and give a big smile before continuing with her line.  Ha!  I think she had fun being in the play!

Nathan had another marker-to-the-face morning.  *sigh*  He's getting to be a bit more work because when it's time for Samuel to sit down for preschool, Nathan comes to sit down and points at his lap desk.  He wants work to do and he wants it to be just like Samuel's work!!  I am working up some plans for after the holiday!

I bought a play dough kit that was half off so this kept Nathan busy one morning while the other kids did some other work.  That peppermint play dough is still soft--love that stuff.  I'm going to make a new batch every month or so, I think.  The kit is from Melissa and Doug and all the kids LOVED it {and fought over it}.

Working together for a nice change...

Grinch masks!

One morning when I was getting ready for the day, Hunter and Lily wrote letters to Santa and put them in their stockings.  They were so cute so I decided to type them up to share...Grandparents will appreciate this!  :)

Dear Santa Claus, I hope we get presents and can you bring our cat some presents?  Can you bring some candy?  Could you bring my parents some presents?  They would appreciate that.  Do you have a wife or children?  Love, Hunter.  P.S. I would like a trophy please.  I am doing perfect in school.
Dear Santa Claus, My brother Hunter wants a sega genesis game please.  Nathan would really like a dinosaur stuffed animal.  Samuel would really like a sticky eyeball.  I would like a monster high doll please.  Love, Lily  P. S. Hunter wants a sticky eyeball, too...and me!

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