Monday, November 2, 2015

Weeks 9 & 10

We were without internet for a bit so I haven't been able to update this blog!  We'll see how much I remember about these last two weeks of school.  :)

Nathan made a chart to show his apple colors:

He also made this cute apple craft.  He was supposed to make apple fingerprints but he really did not want to get his hands dirty so we had to use q-tips.  :)

We made canoes in history:

We've been studying the digestive system in science.  The kids were mushing bread in water to demonstrate the stomach:

We also had to show how long our small intestine actually is!!

Samuel is doing great with his math!  He made these tally stick numbers and wanted it left up to show Brian!

Last Friday, we didn't get our schoolwork done until after supper.  It was a fun change, actually.  Brian was requested by Samuel and Hunter to do some work with them.  This memory game was from Samuel's math but Hunter wanted a turn to play it. 

In other news, we have a Sephora close by!!  Lily and I are thrilled!

Of course, we had Halloween recently, too!!  It was a full day and the kids had a blast!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Sephora. That's a fun bonding.
    Your Halloween looks cute. :)
