Saturday, September 14, 2024

Week 3

 I guess I didn't get many pictures this week.  We use sharpies and watercolor to make folk art trees.  Our culinary lab was about recording how many of each food group we ate the previous day.  I don't know if they cared about their low veggie intake or not.  We watched a video about Greek mythology and studied the history of astronomy.  It was a full week!  Nathan had his first math quiz and got 100.  They both had a grammar test and that was ok but more practice is needed!  It was a busy week!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Week 2

This was a short week of school but we accomplished plenty!  We are sticking with our read aloud because the reviews are good but I keep waiting for it to get interesting.  The boys made cookies for Culinary Lab and they were very good.  In art, we made a color wheel using fruit, which they drew and cut out.  Nathan enjoyed researching random fruits for his.  We watched a quick video on black holes for science.  The topic is definitely keeping Samuel engaged, which isn't always easy!


Sunday, September 1, 2024

First Week!

We started school on Monday!  We had a very easy day just going through what we are using this year for school and going through the schedule.  We had lunch out and went swimming because it was extremely hot.  We are still trying out our read aloud--it seems a little uninteresting thus far.  I tried out our art project ahead of time so I was all set but we couldn't get the transfer to work when it was time.  Oh well!  Otherwise, things are going well for this first week.