Saturday, March 22, 2025

Week 28

 This school year is flying by and graduation is quickly approaching!! We had a couple days of school this week and then had a short spring break. More updates next week!! 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Week 27

 We started our week with a field trip! It was a fun day away. We then got back to work! We finished up Saturn and are learning about WW1. We finished our read aloud and will start the next one after a short spring break next week. We aren’t taking the whole week but Sam insists he needs something. 😆 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Week 26


This week, we finished our art project.  They look great!  We also did a science experiment about storms as we wrapped up Jupiter.  Samuel did some math review while he waited for his next math book.  We watched a video about Ash Wednesday and Lent for Bible.  We continued with everything else!  It’s hard to believe we are moving towards the last months of the school year.  Next week starts out with a field trip so that will be exciting!!  

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Week 25

 Cinders has had quite a week after a scary fall, X-rays and trying to keep her still with pain meds. Nathan sent me this picture of her cuddling with after a round of meds. She gets very sleepy! 

We ended up with a shorter week than planned bc illness has hit the house! Samuel was feverish and Nathan’s cough was ramping up so we took Friday off for rest. Now I’m getting the cold but I’m hoping for school to resume on Monday! 

Samuel finished his math this past week so he’ll be starting a book about math for everyday life. Nathan is reading Romeo and Juliet in his Shakespeare graphic novel. We made more progress on art but we haven’t finished the project yet. We’ll be wrapping up Jupiter in science next week! 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Week 24

This week was more of a normal one for a change! We did a worksheet reviewing the phases of the moon and then built the phases with Oreos. We are moving on to Jupiter next! We also read about Napoleon in history and Einstein for our next writing assignment. They are using 3 sources with multiple topics to write about just one of those topics. They chose different things so it’ll be interesting to read them! 


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Week 23

 This was a short week of school for us! We had a short day on Monday and then a snow day on Wednesday! We always take the 1st snow day off with regular schools because it’s so exciting! Otherwise, we got as much done as we could on the remaining days. Friday was Valentine’s Day and Oliver’s 3rd birthday! We had a full day of school but celebrated both events over supper. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Week 22

 This week was short because we had Monday off for Samuel’s birthday and a half day on Friday because I was getting ready for a retreat. We are taking a break from planets and studying the moon in science. Nathan has been working on some different math curriculum to see if that’s a better fit. We are still enjoying our new read aloud! For writing, the boys worked on writing while using multiple sources. It was not as much fun as the previous lesson but they got through it!